Phoenix Sedation Dentistry - PVsmiles

All About Phoenix Sedation Dentistry

Author: PV Smiles Reem Kidess | Posted on with comments

Phoenix sedation dentistry is designed to make going to the dentist less scary for people that have a tough time going to the dentist or having dental procedures done. So many people procrastinate about getting dental procedures done due to fear and that is very dangerous for the health of their teeth, mouth and overall health in general.  It just doesn’t make any sense for anyone to do delay going to the dentist anymore with the introduction of sedation dentistry making your next visit to the dentist so much easier.

For people with a dental phobia, whatever the exact cause may be, if you are unable to overcome this dental phobia, phoenix sedation dentistry makes everything a lot easier. With sedation techniques, there is no pain and there is less anxiety for the dental patient who is in the chair. It also helps if the environment is designed to be relaxing and calming, as well, both when the patient comes into the waiting room and in the procedure room.

There are three different types of sedation techniques that are most often used in sedation dentistry.  One technique involves inhaling a sedative called nitrous oxide. This type of sedation helps the patient to relax for the duration of the procedure.  The doctor will also give you dental local anesthetic or numb the area to be worked on to prevent any pain. Local anesthesia is given alongside any sedation.  Oral sedation is another method that is also used.  With oral sedation, the Doctor will give you a pill(s) that is designed to help you relax and to sedate you lightly. This helps to reduce and in many cases eliminate the anxiety many people experience, and in many, it does cause memory loss of the procedure.  The third method of sedation dentistry is via an intravenous method of sedation.

An IV is started and anti-anxiety and sedative medications are delivered to a patient through the IV – this allows the patient to be completely comfortable, and have amnesia of the whole procedure, and is the optimal technique usually for restorative dentistry.  The patient’s vitals are monitored throughout treatment and thus all sedation and dental treatment is rendered with the utmost care toward the patients’ health and safety. All of these methods make Phoenix sedation dentistry a good idea for people who have dental fears.

General anesthesia, which puts people under so that they are not conscious for the procedure at all, is usually most commonly offered by oral surgeons for surgical treatment such as extraction of wisdom teeth removal, etc., and is not the sedation technique used for restorative dentistry.