Conscious Sedation Dentist

Conscious Sedation Dentist – No Fear Dentist

Author: PV Smiles Reem Kidess | Posted on with comments

Conscious Sedation Dentist In spite of advancing dental technology which makes dental work virtually pain-free, there are still millions of people who avoid seeing their dentist each year because of a fear or apprehension surrounding being in the dentist chair.

A trained conscious sedation dentist can help patients who suffer from fear of the dentist relax so that they can receive the dental care they need. What solutions can a conscious sedation dentist offer?

Conscious Sedation Dentist Options – No Fear Dentist

Your level of anxiety or fear will help determine the best customized option for conscious dental sedation:

  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation – Typical light sedation treatment includes the use of nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” The gas is administered through a nosepiece and the flow of gas is monitored and carefully controlled. Nitrous oxide is a popular option for those who just need to take the edge off of their anxiety over being at the dentist. Once the nosepiece is removed, the effects wear off almost instantly.
  • Oral Sedation – This is administered through the use of medication taken about an hour before seeing the dentist. While this type of sedation is an easy option, it’s not as easy to control the effects and takes longer to wear off after a procedure. This often requires a patient to secure a ride home after the procedure.
  • IV Sedation – This method uses medication administered through an IV and carefully controlled by a trained sedation dentist. The advantage to this type of sedation is that it’s easier to control the medication and monitor for each patient.

If you struggle with the idea of getting into the dentist chair, you’re not alone. It’s important you seek out a specially trained conscious sedation dentist to help find a customized solution to help you relax and obtain the dental care you need. In the Phoenix and Paradise Valley area, contact one of our friendly staff members today to see how we can help.