Techniques Used by a Sedation Dentist Phoenix and Other Arizona Residents Trust

Author: PV Smiles Reem Kidess | Posted on with comments

Ever since Horace Wells first introduced the use of sedation for dental procedures in the 1840s, sedation dentistry has greatly developed particularly in terms of techniques available for patients. A sedation dentist Phoenix and other Arizona residents trust now use several different techniques to suit a patient’s needs. Because of this, a lot of people who used to fear going to the dentist now receive dental treatment without getting anxious and frightened.

Most people suffer from anxiety when the need to go to the dentist arises. This anxiety ranges from mild fear to full-blown dental phobia. Some are not able to relax enough for the dentist to start the treatment; while others don’t want to go to the dentist at all. Sedation dentistry addresses this problem. A dentist uses sedation techniques to relax a patient or put them to deep sleep to allow him to start and finish the procedure while the patient is relaxed or unconscious. The sedation technique used highly depends on the level of anxiety the patient feels.

For those who suffer from mild to moderate anxiety, a dentist can use nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. This gas is mixed with oxygen and is introduced via inhalation. Nitrous oxide relaxes the patient and allows him to receive treatment comfortably. Nitrous oxide is safe, has no side effects, and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Dr. Reem Kidess, a sedation dentist Scottsdale residents trust, uses oral sedation techniques especially for patients who are afraid of needles. Oral sedation can be a combination of medications given prior to the treatment; and immediately takes effect. The patient remains conscious and relaxed throughout the procedure. Others may feel sleepy but can be awakened if necessary. The patient needs to stay a while after the procedure in case of side effects and other unforeseen reactions.

For severe cases, a dentist would recommend the use of general anesthesia to render the patient unconscious. This usually involves the same procedures used in general surgery; the patient is put into a state of deep sleep and is unable to feel pain or move around. This is used in cases where the patient cannot relax or calm down at all, or if the procedure would be lengthy and will not be tolerated by the patient when awake.

Sedatives can also be introduced through the nose, via suppository, injection, or intravenously. These methods require more experience and should only be done by licensed sedation dentists.

With all the sedation techniques available, you need not worry about any dental treatment or procedure. For more information on sedation dentistry in Scottsdale or in general, you can visit or