Sedation Dentistry

5 Reasons To Consider Sedation Dentistry For Dental Anxiety

Author: PV Smiles Reem Kidess | Posted on with comments

Dental anxiety is a real and legitimate condition that affects millions of Americans. If you suffer from dental anxiety, you may avoid going to the dentist altogether, which can lead to serious dental health issues. Sedation dentistry can be a wonderful option for those with dental anxiety. Here are 5 reasons to consider sedation dentistry:

1. You’ll feel relaxed during your procedure.

2. You may not remember your procedure afterward.

3. Sedation dentistry can help you get through multiple procedures in one visit.

4. It’s safe and effective for most people who undergo it.

5. It can be an affordable option for some people who have dental insurance coverage or access to discounts.

It can also help you if you have a fear of needles or a gag reflex.

If you have a fear of needles or a gag reflex, acupuncture can be an effective technique to manage both issues. This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting thin, sterile needles into acupoints in the body to help redirect energy and improve physical and mental health. Acupuncture also helps relax and soothe a person who is fearful of needles by providing calming signals to the body, allowing for greater acceptance of medical procedures that require injections. Additional benefits can be experienced such as enhanced circulation, improved digestion, and reduced stress. Research shows that acupuncture may not only help lessen or unblock stuck energy but also reduce the gag reflex associated with needle procedures.

You may be able to get through your entire procedure without feeling any pain.

For many medical procedures, the fear of pain may be the main cause of anxiety or distress. However, due to advancements in technology and medicine, some procedures can be completed without any feeling of discomfort. This is truly remarkable considering that it was only decades ago that patients faced severe pain with most medical operations. Nowadays, anesthetics and sedatives provide a safe and secure way for a patient to receive surgical treatments without experiencing any pain whatsoever. On top of this, doctors are also able to manage and adjust any amount of pain a patient might feel during a procedure as well.

After your procedure, you will need someone to drive you home since the sedation will make you drowsy.

After your essential procedure is complete, you’ll need to account for the sedation being used. This sedative will make you drowsy and temporarily impair your ability to safely operate a vehicle. Therefore, it is recommended that you have someone accompany you to your appointment who will then be able to drive you home after the procedure has finished. Don’t worry about adding additional stress to the process – this person can help put your mind at ease in addition to providing assistance with transportation! It’s important that the driving arrangements are handled prior to the operation so both parties understand what is necessary and when.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, sedation dentistry may be a good option for you. With sedation dentistry, you will feel more relaxed during your appointment and may not feel any pain. It is important to note that after your procedure, you will need someone to drive you home as the sedation will make you drowsy. Have Questions? Our team of experts is ready and waiting to help answer all of your questions about dental anxiety and sedation dentistry.